Stepping Stones – Life Coaching
Your Dream is a “Stone’s Throw Away”
Have you ever stopped to wonder how stones are formed? Though they seem static, stones are in a constant state of change. It takes heat, pressure, time, and layers of elements compressed and solidified to form the world we know today. You are a Stone. Compressed and solidified by your life experience, your dreams, and your passions. Over time, the slow process that has occurred with stones has also happened within YOU!
Stones remind of us of majestic strength and are formed over time as the elements gradually push together by heat and pressure. Their beauty, size, variety of purposes, and strength have all been formed through endurance and perseverance.
Do you feel that heat and pressure inside of you? Rising to the top! Yes, that is your life purpose stirring and ready to be released as a precious stone. I want to help you bring to life your precious stone to the surface and fulfill it’s purpose. As your Coach it would be my pleasure to help you bring your precious stone to the surface. We all need a little heat and pressure to get us going.
And let’s admit it, most creatives don’t fancy the planning side of things. Well this is where I come in. I love to be creative in the planning process. I take the heat and pressure off of you so you can be creative with your goal.
I’ve taken my 20+ years of project management and logistics experience and have creatively enhanced the time-consuming, complicated, stress inducing process and made it fun and exciting for you to traverse. I use highly organized methods to simplify the process and provide consultative services based on your needs and desires.
Services Include:
1 Peter 2:5 calls us Living Stones. You have an idea, a story, a product, or a service, that you want to share with the world. I want to help you bring it to LIFE! The Living Stone encouragement calls will be filled with feedback, encouragement, and helpful tips and tools.
I can help encourage your concept and help you bring your ideas and goals to life. Through constructive feedback that helps you creatively enhance your idea into reality.
- 3 – One Hour Life Breathing Encouragement Calls to help you test your precious ideas and help you develop your strategy.
Planning is not easy. It can be quite overwhelming. When you are in the midst of super awesome creative chaos….who wants to sit down and think practical. This is where I come in. I can produce for you a Milestone plan, while you’re off brainstorming cool stuff!
The Milestone Plan schedules out significant points in your journey and represent a clear sequence of events that will incrementally build to the completion of your goal or achievement. It’s used to keep you on track and let you know where you are in the process. I add a little fun into the process and give you moments to Celebrate too! We often think that celebrating is for the completion, but I don’t let you forget to recognize moments of progress and those are worth celebrating too!
- 2 – One Hour Planning Sessions
- 1 – Fun Infused Milestone Schedule
Cornerstones are a critical rock that hold two other stones together. Often referred to as the centerpiece, the heart and the foundation! We don’t like to admit it, but hey, even the best mentor, consultant, project manager, and/or author, needs accountability. As your Cornerstone coach, I can help hold your goals and YOU together with Accountability. Cornerstone checks are communications with you along your journey to hold you accountable to your Milestone plan and goals.
Let’s face it, when we are being creative it can be hard to stay motivated. Life happens and the heat and pressure of distractions can paralyze our progress. With Cornerstone coaching, I monitor your progress along your Milestones and direct, motivate, and help you achieve completion.
- Quantity, Costs, and Timeline is tailored to your personal Milestones.